I arranged a playdate for Clovis and the friend hopefuls. We had ground rules. No fighting, no biting, and no peeing on each other. Sniffs and licks were encouraged. For an ice breaker, I hid snacks in the play area but Clovie was the only one who got any. (When you're an only bun you don't know about sharing.)
Here he is with some of his new friends.
Whispering in Black Cat's ear. Wonder what he said...

Nose to nose with a Saint Bernard while Sealy looks on.
Here he is with some of his new friends.
Whispering in Black Cat's ear. Wonder what he said...

Nose to nose with a Saint Bernard while Sealy looks on.
"All right, no monkey business you two..."
Clovie looks up at me and asks, "What the...? Are you nuts? Can I have more snacks?"
Oh, what a face!!! Thanks for sharing this Sue! Clovie sure made me smile tonight! He deserves a treat!
Even if he didn't pick a friend this time it was a marvelous photo op !
Last picture = *SQUEE*
Clovis is cuter than all his new play-buddies. Looks like he had fun getting to know them, though.
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