...I'll see you in the fall. Over the bunny fence I mean.
I have a rule: must have one hand free for balance when stepping over Clovie's fence. Broke my rule, broke no bones.
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Jeez, these humans are clumsy! |
I had Clovie's water crock in one hand and a few oats in his food crock in the other. I got one foot over and then caught the toes of my other foot on the fence and lost it. The water went flying, the oats went flying and so did I. I landed on a metal/wire shelf, one you can put together like tinker toys, and flattened it. I looked for Clovie, hoping he hadn't been flattened too. Fortunately, he'd high tailed it to a spot behind his cage, and before the dust (and fur) settled he was out Hoovering up the spilled oats.
Four multicolored bruises, chartreuse to deep purple.
All four of our family have fallen over that fence. Me twice. One very deep gouge in our beautiful cherry wood floor. For the love of Clovie! Ours cannot be the only clumsy household, can it?
Absolutely not! Those bunny cage walls are the worst for falling over! I can't count the number of times I've had similar tumbles. Thankfully, no smushed bunnies. One time, I stepped down onto the sunroom floor (since it used to be the back porch before we made it an extension of the living room, it's a few inches lower than the living room) and stepped on a bananananan peel I had dropped earlier that day from snacktime ... and did the famous slide on a banana peel right into the bunny living quarters... took down a few of those tinker toy type walls! The buns had the strangest looks on their faces, but proceeded toward me for the food I had in my hands with no regard whatsoever for my wellbeing. I am so glad you and Clovie escaped any long term damage and I am so sorry for the painful bruises. I hope you heal very quickly.
I know that rule. Has been broken numerous times here. I've even had to make an addendum: always have a chair close to the fence to hold onto. Rest assured you are not alone. I cannot count how many times I've caught my foot or the bottom of my pants leg on the buns playpen outside. Most of the time buns are just hopping in the enclosure waiting and watching the silly human. Twice, though, I had stepped over to retrieve a bun to bring back inside, caught something on the fence and fell on my backside with bun still clutched tightly to me. Amazing that I didn't break something those two times, but anything to not let go of a bun. After that, I added the chair rule.
Most certainly not!!! On the front page of my blog you can see the 'smile' of our Dalmatian, Holly. Well she though watching me 'take a trip' over the 1/2fence hilarious!!! I am the biggest clutz, it is even on my doctors patient history file, it actually says, 'clumsiness' ?!?!? I am not joking. I do have narcolepsy and as an added bonus, catoplexy which is pretty much the scientific term for clumsy :o( - Do not feel alone. I see Clovie has a good sense of humour, and a quick escape plan which is always handy. have a safe and happy week and hopefully the wounds heal quickly for you.
sorry, the pic i was thinking of is not on the front page here is the link : http://fairycastlefarm.blogspot.com/2011/02/smiling-dalmatian.html
cheers xx
Nope, I'm just as clumsy. Now that the bunnies are in the penitentiary, I fell over it twice this weekend. I will now adopt your rule! ;)
Love that photo of him with his little teeth showing! Too darn cute!
p.s. my word verification is overleap1
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Glad that you're ok.
I am a person of the stubby-legged variety, so I don't even attempt to step over the baby-gate barricades I have up when Mick is out; I simply unlock them and then relock them in place after I go through, making sure that Mick doesn't sneak through at the same time.
The menfolk, however, can't be bothered to do something as simple as unlock a baby gate, so they climb over them. Of course, the minute they do, Mick's right underfoot hoping to take advantage of the situation. So far *knock on wood* there have been no mishaps, because I know that the day one of them does end up taking a tumble, there will be hissy fits galore.
I trip over EVERYTHING. And drop things constantly (like my guacamole-covered fork at an office luncheon. Yup.) We don't even have pens or gates at my house but I manage to trip over bunny toys, their blankets, and very often the bunnies themselves (it's not my fault when they run in front of my feet when I'm trying to walk!) About a week ago I was petting Sogna near a doorway, stood up too fast, and slammed my temple into the doorway!!
I'm glad you are okay! I took a tumble myself last week. Off to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, more than half asleep...stubbed my toe and went down right in the middle of the hallway. Much like a drunk person in a car wreck, I was totally fine. Had I been fully awake, I'd probably broken something. But, as my husband was quick to point out... had I been truly awake, I probably wouldn't have fallen. Sigh.
BL does it all the time. Me? Once or twice only ;<)
Yep, has happened to me MORE THAN ONCE! Even though I have a clip I can undo to get inside, I insist on trying to climb over. Why????
Oh, meant to leave a response to your comment on my blog -- the bunnies line themselves up like that for pictures. I think they know when they see the camera because there is no "staging" involved. Bunny hams. :)
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