Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fuzzy Boy

Wow...Clovis is still shedding. This has been going on forever!  I thinks he's given up on grooming so I am taking over, except he's on to me.  He runs for it when I start grabbing the loose tufts, especially from his back end.  Darn it, I really like pulling those tufts out too. When I pet him my whole hand is covered, like I'm wearing a fur glove.


bunnits said...

It never ceases to amaze me how much they shed and still seem to have a full coat...and still shed more...and more

Jade said...

Petting Mickey is like that too, and if I'm holding him and petting him, I get a fur sweater as well.

WV: amonstor--something I'm told I've created. :D

SixBunnies said...

I do not know what it is about those tufts, but I cannot resist pulling them either!!! I wonder why they hate it so much? I can't imagine that it hurts them. Maybe it itches when we move that loose fur? I don't know, but I have to do it ... must pluck the bunnies! Fur is everywhere here, too.

Haha, Jade! You are so funny!

FairyCastleFarm said...

My that is a lot of fur! Our brood is the same, but I find only Angel has the "glove" effect. He is the top 'groomer' and is always grooming his family, problem is they don't completely return the favour and I am usually the one that helps him out, he is happy for me to do it and I use a 'termifur' comb. The 'tufts' however are irresistible I know! Have a great week - Yollie xx

RG said...

The whole House of Rabbits is awash with shedding fur!

Lisa said...

We're in the SAME boat. They won't let me brush them or pick them up, so I have to try to pluck. Biff's shedding comes out much more easily but Sogna's "feather" syndrome meants I actually have to pull. And recently she's decided she doesn't like that. It's been MONTHS.

Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Ha ha... also in the same boat. Daily vaccuming here and I am still getting fur in my tea!

SixBunnies said...

Can regular rabbit fur be spun to yarn? I am not a spinner, but I would so much love to learn. My guess is that it cannot, but we would have a treasure if it could!

Clovie Boy said...

Angora maybe?